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The clan started in 2008. Demon borned from a group of good friends who met to play Trackmania United.


They were 60 players on the team, had 4 racing teams; Full, Tech, Nadeo and Coast.


FOG was Demon’s leader . They played on all the tournaments on the game; ESL, LETM, Wars, etc.


When in the year 2011 Trackmania Canyon went out, they decided to stop playing Trackmania and go to Canyon, but one afternoon, on grounds of lack of players, FOG decided to leave the clan.


Demon came backin 2013 with the same illusion from the 2008 days, with the will to spend funny days and to form a big group of players who aspire to as large in the game.


With the leadership from FOG and REYSER it was possible to reach to create that big group of players of international character when, by surprise, Fog decided to leave the game.


REYSER was alone so he decided to name CRACK as a boss and so he would help him to carry the direction of the clan.

Meanwhile Crack was bussy working on Tm2, REYSER decided to expand the game on the other versions of it.


He achieved to create one team on Tm1, once created, as we had numerous problems with our servers aported by CRACK, REYSER consulted with CRACK the posibility of signing up back again server hosting. CRACK then decided to leave Demon and the game.


Nothing further from reality, CRACK left Demon but not the game and funded the clan Acore, taking with him numerous members from Demon to Acore.


It was then when DANY founded AZZ and Demon was almost at the point to disapear.


Thanks to the support provided by PIRLO and by the first Demon members like BIG BANG, PAPA, WHITE, RH we decided to refound Demon in what is now NDC.


We hope and wish that everything goes back to the way it was: a friends group ready to get fun with the game without any goal (for the moment )    


In september of 2015 with a new server system, Demon revived with new energy after the transition period as NDC and re- implanted in the old TMNUF with a new group of players, and help in administering the clan of DEMON FER , and continuing with DEMON TM2 also CRAZYER ( Reyser )



We continue with the same spirit as always, trying to enjoy it in the version that is this great game , we go forward , but neither set goals without limits




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